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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Shakkar Para

Shakkara para literally means sugar biscuits.Usually Shakkar Para's are deep fried, but I tried baking them and they came out good. This recipe is for baked Shakkar Para. They make a very good tea time snack.
Ingredients Required:
All purpose flour - 1 Cup
Sugar - 1/2 cup
Baking Powder - 1 tsp
Salt - pinch
Milk - 2 tbl.sp

How to make?
In a mixing bowl, mix the flour, salt and baking powder.
Heat ghee in a pan and add sugar and milk. Heat and stir till the sugar dissolves.
After cooling the sugar solution, mix it with the flour.
Knead to form a firm dough. It should be soft and smooth.
Keep aside for about 10 minutes.
Roll the dough into a thin circle.
Place this on a greased baking tray and cut it into diamonds.
Bake in a preheated oven at 350 F for about 15 minutes till the become light brown.
Cool it for 5 minutes and separate the pieces.
Store in an air tight container.

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